Podcast: Frontline report of Refugee Crisis in Greece with Kelly Milligan

We are witnessing a global refugee crisis unfold before our eyes and when we look to our own country, racism and fascism are on the rise.   Kelly Milligan of Sisters in Health,  spoke to us just before she left for Greece last year (listen to that podcast here) and has returned to the states to tell the tale from a front line account of the refugee rescue operation on the shores of Greece. This show aired live on WPRK 91.5fm on Wednesday, March 23, 2016.

Listen to the podcast here:



milliganKelly Milligan is a Midwife and Naturopath & the Executive Director of Sisters in Health. In the process of attaining her ND with a specialty in women’s and community health, Kelly specializes in low resource women’s health care and disaster relief. Providing care on the front lines is her passion.

In addition to continuous education in Biology, Psychology, Global Women’s Health, Alternative Medicine and Disaster Relief, Kelly has also lived and worked around the world learning about women from their own communities and is currently writing a book about her adventures traveling the world, the world of women around the globe, and providing health care for women and families and chronicles her life in the field on her blog.

In 2014, while responding to the devastation that was left from Typhoon Yolanda in the Philippines, Sisters In Health came to her as she sat in the birth tent with her sisters from around the globe & from there her non-profit organization, Sisters In Health, was born to serve all sisters of the globe on the premise that we all deserve to live our lives healthy, well and empowered. The Sisters in Health mission is to bring humanized health care, peace, and love to the women that have given up everything in order to survive.

Podcast: Renew, Revitalize & Re-Dream, Self Care with Chonteáu

The spirit of service and taking care of others is often instilled in us from an early age, but the spirit of self care has often been undervalued and often even discouraged. So the question when tough times arrive is: how do we navigate our life journey with resilience, avoid burn out and thrive? Today’s guest has been through that journey and has woven together several lines of wisdom teachings with her personal experience as her life’s work to share with others. In this podcast, Chonteau discusses radical self-care, plant consciousness and the meaning of congruency.

Listen in:

(the original recording failed, so this is a our back up method which does not have as good of sound quality.)

About Chonteáu

Chonteaus SPP Session-2Chonteáu is a Spiritual Life Coach and author of 84 Day Self Care Journey. She runs an online Intuitive Herbal Academy in the Folk & Wise Woman traditions, as well as a group & retreat facilitator and motivational speaker. She holds a Bachelors of Social Work from the UCF, is a Certified  Holistic Health Coach from Institute of Integrative Nutrition, a  Certified Hypnotist from The National Board of Professional and Ethical Standards, a Certified Herbalist with Susun Weed and Florida School of Holistic Living as well as a Reiki Master.

Chonteáu wears many hats, but believes her main reason for being on the planet is to assist in the awakening and remembrance that we are all connected and the time to step into our brilliance is now. In her early 20’s she received a vision and was told by Spirit that she was a teacher and healer of the old ways.

Learn more at: http://chonteau.com/

Podcast: Workers Voice Tour with Lupe Gonzalo

There have been incredible strides in the Florida Fight for Fair Food, but there are still a few holdouts, notably Wendy’s, which made an interesting decision recently. According to the Coalition for Immokalee Workers: “Just as the industry was being called “the best working environment in American agriculture” on the front page of the New York Times for its commitment to the human rights standards of the Fair Food Program, Wendy’s moved its substantial purchases of fresh tomatoes away from Florida in early 2015.  That’s right, they affirmatively decided to buy their tomatoes from farms offering workers fewer protections.
Guadalupe Gonzalo, a farmworker with the Coalition of Immokalee Workers & interpreter Daniel Cooper brought us the latest from the fields of Florida and the Workers’ Voice Tour that is happening on March 2-12 and gave us insight into the organizing structure of the CIW & how they are now sharing their activism throughout the country with farmworkers around the nation.
Listen to the interview here:

About the Fair Food Program

FFPPoster_GRNFINAL_600.pngThe Fair Food Program (FFP) is an historic partnership among farmworkers, Florida tomato growers, and 14 multibillion-dollar tomato retailers. By committing to the FFP, participating retailers require more humane labor standards from their suppliers, agree to purchase exclusively from those who meet these higher standards, and pay a “penny-per-pound” premium which is passed down through the supply chain and paid out to workers by their employers. The Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW) is a worker-based human rights organization based in Immokalee, FL and the creator of the internationally recognized Fair Food Program (FFP).

16WVTfinal_600About the Workers’ Voice Tour

This March, Immokalee farmworkers will embark on the 10-day, 5-city Workers’ Voice Tour where, joined by thousands of consumer allies, they will take the powerful message of Fair Food directly to Wendy’s doorstep.
The final march will be help Saturday, March 12 in Palm Beach, FL to amplify CIW’s call for justice in the fields and demand that Wendy’s become part of an industry that hears, respects – and gives a rightful, dignified place to – workers’ voices.
This program originally aired live on WPRK 91.5 fm at 4pm on Wednesday, February 3, 2016.  

Podcast: 2% Solutions for the Planet with Courtney White

2percentThe environmental problems we face today are significant. So it’s somewhat natural to assume that the solutions that will have an impact on those problems must themselves be significant, must be big. But in Two Percent for the Planet, Courtney White argues that many of the solutions that can make a real difference are actually smaller ones: low-cost, easy-to-implement strategies that can be employed today.

In this podcast, Courtney White takes us through a few of the the fifty innovative & engaging success stories from his book to inspire urban-dwellers, farmers, ranchers—anyone lamenting the scope of the problem and the apparent lack of action steps. New concepts such as agrivoltism and fibershed are introduced with a very practical overview of innovations from around the world.

Take a listen:

About the Author

Screen shot 2016-01-14 at 1.10.50 PMCourtney White is a former archaeologist and Sierra Club activist. He dropped out of the “conflict industry” in 1997 to co-found the Quivira Coalition, a nonprofit dedicated to building bridges between ranchers, conservationists and others around practices that improve economic and ecological resilience in western working landscapes. He is the author of Grass, Soil, Hope, Revolution on the Range, and The Age of Conqequences. He lives in Santa Fe with his family and a backyard full of chickens.

This show originally aired live on January 13th at 4pm EST to WPRK 91.5 FM in Winter Park, FL.

Podcast: Regenerative Entrepreneurship with Erica Dorn, Managing Director of Etsy.org

What would commerce look like if our business professors talked about:  bearing witness, regeneration, emergence, beauty and wisdom?

Erica Dorn, Managing Director of Etsy.org, can’t talk about business education without weaving these themes in. In this discussion, Erica shares the newly formed Etsy.org’s focus on re-imagining business education through their Regenerative Entrepreneur Program which is in the middle of their first pilot.

Take a listen:

Abbreviated List of Resources Mentioned in the Podcast:

About Etsy.org

Screen shot 2015-12-15 at 2.29.27 PM

Etsy has become a billion dollar marketplace for handmade & vintage goods. In the course of a decade, the artisan platform has greatly reduced the barriers to entrepreneurship for creative makers (numbering 1.6 million and growing) while opening access to a global audience in an unprecedented way. In June 2015, a new & independent organization named Etsy.org was announced with a focus on entrepreneurial education.

Etsy.org is a non-profit organization that builds evolutionary, entrepreneurial educational programs that foster the human capacity, wisdom, insights, and community needed to build regenerative businesses. It works to support Etsy’s mission to reimagine commerce in ways that build a more fulfilling and lasting world.

The Regenerative Entrepreneur Program is designed to be participatory, emergent, and experiential business education. The program blends personal development, exploration of our social, economic and natural systems, and business training, to prepared entreprenuers to build businesses that regenerate themselves, their community and the planet. In addition to lectures and lessons from successful entrepreneurs, each participant will spend time in nature, partake in group and individual reflective workshopping, and receive mentorship.

About Our GUEST

Screen shot 2015-12-15 at 3.27.13 PMErica Dorn is Managing Director of etsy.org, whose mission is to reimagine business education so that all entrepreneurs are able to develop the skills, wisdom and connections to build and run businesses in ways that regenerate their communities and the earth. Erica has been dedicated to a mission-driven career working in U.S. microfinance, community economic development, and small business education. Erica served as the first U.S. Kiva Fellow launching the peer-to-peer U.S. lending program for Kiva.org. She then ran business development and lending for Accion New York, the leading microlender in the United States.

Erica established a consulting practice – Consulting for the New Economy, providing services to mission-driven food and farm businesses in New York and San Francisco. In these positions and her own consulting practice, Erica has provided hundreds of small businesses with access to capital and business growth strategy. She’s also applied her expertise in business development, sales and marketing to projects with community economic development organizations like the Small Business Solutions Center in NYC and the Queens Public Library.

Erica is an adjunct lecturer at Baruch College in Business Management and Community Economic Development, a Slow Money NY board member, and is on the entrepreneur selection committee for the farm incubator at Glynwood. She is a Coro alumni for the Leadership NY Program in 2013. Erica is fluent in Spanish and has lived and worked in Latin America and Asia.

By supporting and working alongside local businesses, Erica believes we can all contribute in building strong local living economies that improve our collective future.

“The good we secure for ourselves is precarious and uncertain until it is secured for all.” (Jane Addams)

This show originally aired live on December 15th at 4pm EST on WPRK 91.5 FM in Winter Park, FL.