Podcast: What happens when a man wears a pussy hat?

“Don’t be a pussy!” is apparently the thing every little boy is supposed to not be. So what happens when the occasion arises during the Women’s March on Washington for this guy when he dons a #pussyhat? As our new president and lawmakers get to work destroying environmental protections in the first days of a Trump presidency, we get some personal reflections from environmental activist Matt Wasson, whose life’s work was recently featured in this NPR story. The work ahead is personal and powerful: sorting through masculinity and seeing the progressive movements best opportunity is in pussy power.

Women are now leading a resurgent and increasingly united progressive movement and it’s the greatest opportunity we’ve seen in years for the majority of this country to recapture the reins of power. I want to help men overcome their resistance to following the leadership of women by delving into its roots – like the “pussy-shaming” we faced in locker rooms by the likes of Donald Trump (and unfortunately, bought into and dealt out ourselves).

Here’s a link to the GOOD MEN PROJECT that was brought up during the interview.

Take a listen (talk starts at 3:38 mark):

About Our Guest

Matt Wasson is an ecologist and the director of programs for Appalachian Voices where he oversees the award-winning online campaign to stop mountaintop-removal coal mining on iLoveMountains.org.

This show originally aired live on Wednesday, January 25th on WPRK 91.5fm.

Podcast: Making of the Central Florida Women’s Rally


photo by Julie Wilder

The Women’s Rally–Central Florida, at Lake Eola Amphitheater, is a Solidarity event in conjunction with the Women’s March on Washington. This is the origin story of how first time organizers Gricel & Autumn decided to volunteer their time to bring a grassroots gathering in Central Florida.

Take a listen:

The rally was a huge success – I estimate at least 10k and possibly more were in attendance.

About Our Guests


Gricel & Autumn are two friends who met 20 years ago at their kids’ preschool. Autumn is passionate about family, education and social justice. She has been a professional storyteller for over a decade. She agreed to co-organize the Women’s Rally – Central Florida because she believes each of us, especially women and and marginalized groups, has a voice that deserves to be heard. Gricel has been newly relieved of her full-time stay-home-mom duties by her son’s heading off to college. She joined a fledgling Facebook Group of 50 people interested in doing “something” in Orlando in solidarity with the DC event. She agreed to organize the Rally because she believes silence makes you complicit and “if not us, who?”

This show originally aired live on Wednesday, January 18th on WPRK 91.5fm.

Podcast: Annual Astrology Overview for 2017 the Year of the Fire Rooster


Cosmic Calendar designed by host Julie Wilder. Click to learn more.

Every year, for as long as I can remember, we start the year with a coven of astro-intuitives to give us a peek into the energies of the coming year and what planetary influences will be impacting us. Our returning oracles: Dikki Jo Mullen (she predicted a Trump win last year) and Elizabeth Falcon gave us their themes for the year, as well as a pretty intriguing prediction for a change in President come August. 

Take a listen:

About Our Guests

Dikki Jo Mullen  is an internationally noted astrologer and spiritual counselor, whose features and detailed astrology forecasts appear in The Witches’ Almanac and Dell Horoscope publications, available in fine book stores everywhere.

She is the author of seven books including “Koo Hollie and the Corn Goddess Chronicle” a metaphysical allegory and adventure story which doubles as a text book about astrology, ghost hunting and much more. Her professional practice is established in Central Florida, but she has clients all over the world. She is a graduate of The University of Florida, a certified yoga instructor and certified past life regression therapist. She holds a Doctor of Divinity Degree and is an ordained Spiritualist minister.

Elizabeth Falcon is a former Rollins College student and is currently a professor at Valencia.

This show originally aired live on Wednesday, January 4th on WPRK 91.5fm.

Podcast: Stories from a Vagabond Entrepreneur with Royce Gomez

Royce Gomez has launched 10 businesses over the last two decades and coaches women business owners around the world. She is the best-selling co-author of Discover Your Destiny, Live Your Dreams, Love Your Life, and author of 7 Beautiful Weeks and The Spontaneous Journey and she shares with us a glimpse into the spontaneous mind of a serial entrepreneur. This show aired live on WPRK 91.5fm on Wednesday, April 13th, 2016.

Listen to the podcast here:


Royce Gomez is an inspiration to women and has coached women through adversity to victory in various areas of their personal and professional life. She has worked with small groups of women and spoken on stages in FL and CO including eWomen Network.

Royce has launched 10 businesses over the last two decades. This has allowed her the personal freedom to balance work and raising her children. She finds time to give back and mentor young entrepreneurs and MBA students. She has coached at several Startup Weekends and judged pitch competitions for Rollins College.

Royce currently divides her time between Orlando, FL and Colorado. She coaches women business owners around the world via Skype. She is the best-selling co-author of Discover Your Destiny, Live Your Dreams, Love Your Life, and author of 7 Beautiful Weeks and The Spontaneous Journey. Royce also contributes regularly to The Charity Magazine and writes the Community Impact blog, in addition to being published on the Huffington Post, Rollins College Edyth Bush Institute, and SelfGrowth.com


Podcast: Bringing Love Back into Business with Suzanne Herrmann

“It’s about bringing love back into the business,” says Conscious Investment Banker Suzanne Herrmann. Sounds like an oxymoron, but our guest calls in old school. This show aired live on WPRK 91.5fm on Wednesday, April 6th, 2016.

Listen to the podcast here (I was late, so conversation starts at the 17 minute mark):


SuzanneHermannSuzanne Herrmann is a registered representative licensed with the Security and Exchange Commission providing investment banking services to the middle markets. She also has her own consulting business providing business development in all categories. Her specialty is analyzing companies and completing a true valuation. Along with this she prepares your company for investors.
Her passion is coaching WBE. Showing women the benefits of being a WBE and helping them deliver their products and services to the market. She enjoys working with conscious businesses that live in harmony with the planet and all human souls.  SJH Synergy is the parent company that provides services for nutritional, spiritual and financial balance.